Poems of the Underclass......

(This post is for Subscribers ONLY. It does not appear on Memoires.)

Poems of The Underclass
Free verse poetry from Shane Levene

It's time to make a little history....



  1. Amazing - sad, funny, horrible all at once. Thank you.

  2. Nice one. Has been bookmarked accordingly.

  3. You say such beautiful things.. Although dispearing.. Amazing and beautiful! Xx

  4. I'm not usually into poetry but these are awesome :)


Here's your chance to curse, abuse or praise me... to send me kisses or death threats. There is comment moderation for spam only, no comments relating to the texts will be deleted (no matter how nice they are.) I will reply to most messages, though in the event of an untimely death it just will not be possible - apologies in advance.

As always, thanks for your time...

Shane. X

Ps: If you are sending a death threat, PLEASE make it poetical.