Audio - The Consequence of Living

Read by Soc Priapist

"Our days and evenings were spent together toughening ourselves up, bonding and preparing our offensive. Our first decision was to join a boxing club. We were weak targets for the bullies and in order to walk the streets and parks untroubled we needed to learn how to throw decent right hooks. So one Wednesday we joined Chelsea Boys Boxing Club and on Thursday we knocked each others teeth out. The three of us taking it in turns to square up to one another and direct our anger and pain towards a physical body. But we never hurt one another: we toughened each other up. And as we lay in the park, on the grassy hill with black eyes and busted noses, we joked and laughed as love and friendship throbbed and stung upon our young bodies..."


  1. Sounds like an Australian voice!

  2. As it happens, I am australian, Anon. You want fight about it? Meet me behind the bike sheds after school and I’ll likely beg at your feet for mercy.


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As always, thanks for your time...

Shane. X

Ps: If you are sending a death threat, PLEASE make it poetical.