Selected texts now available for FREE for all your e-readers. To download simply click on the image and then choose your desired e-book format. 

For those wishing to show their appreciation you can do so by sharing the downloads on your social media pages, blogs or internet sites. Such sharing, even a tweet to two people, is invaluable... X


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  2. trustNjesus, bro...
    and live4eternity Upstairs,
    party-hardy 24/7, baby.
    Who could want anythn better?
    Make Your Choice -SAW



Here's your chance to curse, abuse or praise me... to send me kisses or death threats. There is comment moderation for spam only, no comments relating to the texts will be deleted (no matter how nice they are.) I will reply to most messages, though in the event of an untimely death it just will not be possible - apologies in advance.

As always, thanks for your time...

Shane. X

Ps: If you are sending a death threat, PLEASE make it poetical.