Memoires of a Heroinhead - Part 2

Memoires of a Heroinhead is changing. The past is over welcome to The Now.

Part 1 of MOAH concentrated more on the past and how I may have got to where I am today. There was no blame, no bitterness and no self-pity. Some things came my way by chance, others I walked into with full responsibility. I just detailed the the events.

Memoires of a Heroinhead Part 2 will focus more on Me today, my life as a 35 year old heroin addict in France. Posts will be much shorter, but more frequently written.

I thank All the people that have stuck by this blog, for putting up with my excuses and lies yet loyally coming back month after month. It didn't help me get straight, but it did stop me getting completely wasted. I don't think there's much more than that any of you could have done.

Until very soon, All My Love & Thoughts, Shane. X

PS: Longy, do you remember my challenge of the month? Well it was too long for a single post. Part 2 is dedicated to You. x

PPS: Stacy, thank you so much for the books & I promise to put a pic up soon. The final Part 3 will be for you. XXX